
We have committed to achieving a net zero carbon portfolio.

We are advancing progress on our 2030 targets, which include halving embodied carbon intensity and reducing operational emissions by 75%. We are also committed to futureproofing our places for climate resilience, accelerating the circular economy, delivering biodiversity gains, minimising water use and upgrading EPC评级 across our portfolio.

Responsible consumption and production

Embodied carbon

From 2030, we will reduce embodied carbon in new developments by 50%.

100 Liverpool Street, Broadgate, achieved low embodied carbon intensity of 389kg CO2e per sqm and is rated BREEAM Outstanding for sustainability.

35 %

Reduction in embodied carbon across our office developments vs 2019 industry benchmarks

Operational carbon

By 2030, we will reduce the carbon associated with our operations by 75% and improve whole building energy efficiency of existing assets by 25%. All new developments will operate in line with the UKGBC 2030 targets and design out fossil fuels where possible. 2030年以后, our long term aim is that our portfolio performs in line with the UKGBC's Paris Proof 2050 targets.

Our Transition Vehicle is a key mechanism for delivering on our operational energy and embodied carbon commitments. It is funded by our internal levy of £60 per tonne of embodied carbon in developments. 这, two-thirds is available to finance retrofitting projects which improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions from our standing portfolio. The remaining third is used to purchase carbon credits to mitigate residual embodied carbon in our developments. British Land also provides an annual float of £5m. Our Transition Vehicle Committee meets three times annually. We provide the current balance of the Transition Vehicle in our 可持续性 Progress Report.

我们总部, 纽约的房子, is one of multiple buildings where we have installed air source pumps for low-carbon heating.

40 %

Reduction in operational carbon intensity (offices) vs 2019



Climate resilience

We continue to futureproof our portfolio for climate resilience. Our Climate Resilience Action Plans for our places cover flood risk management, thermal comfort and nature-based strategies as appropriate. Our net zero carbon strategy also futureproofs our portfolio under future climate scenarios.

Our low-carbon 翻新 of 3 Sheldon Square, Paddington Central, retained and reused existing structure, while transforming the building to be all electric, improving energy efficiency by over 40% and upgrading to EPC A.

100 %

Managed assets and major developments have undergone a flood risk assessment



Circular economy

We aim to accelerate the transition to a circular economy, working towards zero waste. This includes prioritising reuse and recycling across all our places and sourcing all construction materials from ethical and sustainable sources. In reducing embodied carbon, our number one priority is to use less – retaining existing building components, reusing materials and focusing on design efficiency.

At Norton Folgate, we retained and reused as much as possible, 其中包括29,000 original cobbles, 超过20,000块砖, hundreds of timber joists, chimney pots and other heritage features.

99 %

Development and operational waste diverted from landfill


We recognise the intrinsic value of nature and the key role it has in supporting the health and wellbeing of customers and visitors to our places. We have been enhancing nature at our places for more than a decade, through the introduction of green infrastructure and landscape management.

Exchange Square reopened as London’s newest park in 2022, quadrupling the amount of green space at Broadgate.

15 %

Biodiversity net gain target for all new developments


We aim to minimise water use, optimising efficiency and maximising opportunities for rainwater and greywater recycling. Our 可持续性 Brief for our Places sets out our targets to reduce modelled potable water use on new developments. We will develop targets for standing assets in 2025, following the release of Science Based Targets Network (SBTN) freshwater targets.

码头小屋, 加拿大的水, is targeting a 50% reduction in water intensity, plus greywater collected from showers for WC flushing.

5 %

Reduction in operational water consumption vs 2020


Energy 表演 Certificates (EPCs) are one measure of the modelled energy efficiency of properties. British Land has a strong track record of improving actual operational efficiency and has set challenging targets to drive further progress.

Across our managed portfolio, the majority of our assets have a net zero plan and 50% of our portfolio is now rated EPC A or B. This is up from 45% at FY23, and we expect to be around 60% at FY24.

Our approach to EPCs
50 %

Of our portfolio rated EPC A or B

可持续性 Progress Report 2023

可持续性 Report 2023

Pathway to Net Zero Carbon

net zero pathway

可持续性 Brief for our Places

可持续性 Brief for our Places

Carbon Offset Policy

Carbon Offset Policy

Latest sustainability blogs

a. A1-A3 refers to The Product Stage, the sourcing of materials, transport to manufacturing plant and fabrication processes. A4-A5 refers to The Construction Stage, the transport from plan to site and on site construction and installation, including waste disposal.
b. B1-B5 refers to In Use, including emissions arising during the use of the building, 维护, 修复, 更换, 翻新.
c. A minimum 25% improvement in energy intensity is targeted. When the Net Zero Audits of the portfolio are complete, these asset-specific paths to Net Zero Carbon will provide asset-specific reduction targets for our 2030 programme.
d. 临时图, will be updated following the publication of the UKGBC’s Paris Proof Energy 表演 Targets for 零售.